锘军?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 新葡亰·(中国)8883ent(认证平台)-App Platform /news/international_school/21672.html Thu, 14 Sep 2023 02:19:40 +0000 /?p=21672 涓鸿繘涓€姝ュ彂鎸ュ浗闄呴儴瀛︾敓浼氬湪瀛︾敓绠$悊涓殑绉瀬浣滅敤锛屾彁鍗囧鐢熻嚜鎴戠鐞嗘按骞筹紝9鏈?3鏃ヤ笅鍗堬紝鍥介檯閮ㄧ浜斿眾瀛︾敓浼氶€変妇鍦嗘弧涓捐锛屽浗闄呴儴鍏ㄤ綋甯堢敓鍑哄腑鏈澶т細銆備細璁寚鍑猴紝瀛︾敓浼氭垚鍛樹綔涓鸿仈绯诲笀鐢熶箣闂寸殑妗ユ涓庣航甯︼紝瑕佸媷浜庢媴褰擄紝鍏锋湁鐪熻瘹濂夌尞鐨勬湇鍔℃剰璇嗗強鍏ㄩ潰鍙戝睍鐨勬垚鎵嶆剰璇嗐€侟/p>

On 13th September, the election of the fifth Student Union of the International Department took place in the conference hall, on fifth floor of the Administration Building. The union aims to play an active role of SUID and improve students鈥 self-management ability. All teachers and students of the International Department attended this conference. As a bridge between teachers and students, the student union is expected to devote to work, take responsibilities and achieve well-rounded development.


In the first phase, 16 candidates took turns to give speeches, presenting their advantages, understanding of the position and making commitments to the future work. Their graceful manner, contagious enthusiasm and wonderful speeches appealed the audience and won them widespread applause.


During the voting session, all the students voted while teachers were supervising. After fierce competition, the new president and members of each department were finally selected.


In the next stage, the new student union members solemnly swore in front of teachers and students, promising that they will fulfill their commitments and create a new chapter for the construction of the student union.


A new beginning opens up a new future. The election has injected vitality into the development of student work in the International Department, and created a broader stage for student growth. The union members will take “serving the students wholeheartedly” as the start and destination of their work, and “enriching campus cultural life” the basis. They will seek truth from facts, pioneer and innovate, take action to prove their abilities and write broad chapters.



